Stephanie Scharf was an invited faculty member for the Diversity Summit held by the Missouri Bar Association on May 20, 2015 in St. Louis. The Summit was chaired by the President of the Missouri Bar Association, Ruben Shelton, Lead Counsel-Litigation for Monsanto. Ms. Scharf spoke in the session, Solutions and Best Practices for Diversity in the Legal Profession. Among the points she made was the power of diverse teams, including teams that cut across various practice settings. Ms. Scharf’s remarks draw on her well known for advancing women in the legal profession, including her role as founder and director for 8 years of the NAWL Annual Survey of Retention and Promotion of Women in Law Firms, creation of the NAWL General Counsel Institute and, most recently, statistical research on gender diversity in the trial bar, which will be published in July by the American Bar Association and American Bar Foundation.